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Five Acres High School

5 Acres High School has set record GCSE results!

5 Acres High School has completed its first full year as part of the Greenshaw Learning Trust since becoming an academy in September 2017.  Students and staff have worked extremely closely to ensure that every single student is given the very best chance of success and the students have responded with some startlingly good outcomes.

English results at Grade 4 (equivalent to the old C grade at GCSE) have moved from 73% to 85% in the space of a year with 69% achieving the Level 5 up from 55% last year.  These excellent results have been mirrored in the achievement of students in maths.  80% have hit the Grade 4 benchmark up from 59% last year with 50% achieving level 5 (an improvement of 17 percentage points on last year).  The progress figures, although provisional, also look very strong and would have put the school 6th in the country for similar schools last year!!

Overall the percentage of students achieving both English and maths at Grade 4 and 5 has risen dramatically with 75% of students reaching 4+ in both (an improvement of 19 percentage points on last year) and 43% achieving 5+ (an improvement of 12 percentage points on last year.)

There have also been excellent outcomes across a range of other subjects most notably PE, Science and Religious Education.

Within this brilliant set of results there have been some remarkable individual performances including:

  • Sophie Ball achieved 4 GCSEs at Grade 9; 6 GSCEs at Grade 8; 1 GCSE at Grade 7
  • Katie Hughes-Watts achieved 2 GCSEs at Grade 9; 3 GCSEs at Grade 8 & 4 GCSEs at Grade 7
  • Sebastian Bevan achieved 1 GCSE at Grade 9; 5 GCSEs at Grade 8 & 3 GSCEs at Grade 7
  • Euan Ball achieved 1 GCSE at Grade 9; 4 GCSEs at Grade 8 & 5 GCSEs at Grade 7
  • Billy Jessop achieved 4 GCSEs at Grade 8 & 5 GCSEs at Grade 7
  • May Gardner achieved 5 GCSEs at Grade 8 & 5 GCSEs at Grade 7

Headteacher, Ben Parnell, said “ We are absolutely delighted with the achievements of these young people and thrilled for their families and our community.  Having worked here for just one year I can see the ambition and drive that all of the students have had towards being the very best they can be.  We can officially say that we are a high performing school with these results being significantly above national averages.  When I arrived here I shared my vision that I wanted 5 Acres High School to be the best school in the country and we have taken a massive step towards that this year.  Our students are simply the best and I am so desperately proud of them and their teachers.”