extra-curricular PE activities
There are many extra-curricular PE activities that are on offer currently at Five Acres High School, the main activities are listed below (many more to come throughout the year)
Monday night from 3-4pm- Football training for boys (girls also welcome) and Netball training for girls.
Tuesday night from 3 -4pm- Rugby for boys and girls.
Fixtures against other schools can be on any night but are generally on Wednesdays and Thursdays.
Strength and conditioning sessions lead by a qualified fitness instructor are held in the blue gym on Thursday and Friday mornings from 7:45- 8:15am. Y7 and Y8 are to go on Thursdays and Y9, 10 and 11 are to go on Fridays.
There are other targeted clubs such as Boccia, Circuit Training and Olympic Weightlifting currently- more detail is available from the PE staff.